DATE OF BIRTH: 14th March 1962
One of Steve’s favourite films, is the brilliant Monty Python comedy, The Life Of Brian.
Steve also likes the Jacksons and The Rich Kidds (a late 70′s group).
Steve used to collect old music papers.
How did Steve start in music?
Steve was in a few bands before Roman Holliday.
How did Steve become a member of the band?
Steve answered an advert in the local Harlow paper “SINGER WANTED FOR POP ROCK BAND LOOKING FOR NEW DIRECTION”. When he went to the audition, they played some numbers and Steve was hooked and joined the band.
What did Steve do after leaving Roman Holliday?
After Roman Holliday Steve formed a band with ex-Culture Club member Jon Moss. The group was called Heartbeat UK and released a single called “Jump To It”. Unfortunately, things never took off for the group.
Steve had a song he wrote (Want You to Want Me) covered on the model turned pop star Samantha Fox “Touch Me” LP.
Steve was living in New York for the past some years, working as a design consultant. He once stated that “He hates pop music with a passion”. Luckily for us, he no longer thinks this way as it would be a shame for such talent to go to waste.
Steve left New York City in 2001 and moved to Lewisburg PA where he and Sue (his wife) live very happily. Steve is now back writing, recording and performing again.